What is Pain Reprocessing Therapy?
Alan Gordon is the director of the Pain Psychology Center in Los Angeles. The technique of Pain Reprocessing teaches patients to reinterpret pain as a neutral sensation coming from the brain rather than as evidence of a dangerous physical condition. As patients continue to retrain their automatic response to pain, the brain re-organizes itself to alter neural pathways that were generating the pain signals. These pathways become less strong and the pain subsides.
In a new randomized clinical trial, 66% of 51 patients were nearly pain-free after 4-weeks! The study treated patients with chronic back pain and was published in a highly reputable peer-reviewed journal called JAMA Psychiatry.
Results of the study show:
66% of the PRT group patients were pain-free or nearly pain-free after the four week intervention (vs. 20% in the placebo group, 10% in the usual standard of care group)
The results were maintained one year after!
Brain scans showed noticeable changes in the brain's response to pain in the PRT group relative to the other groups
Read the full study results or learn more about pain reprocessing!
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Modern research shows that psychological and emotional elements can play a major role in chronic pain. These non-physical components can help the brain “learn” to be in pain. By training the brain, we can rewire the body’s neural circuitry to dial down pain sensations and bring relief.